Recently, our shed was broken into and garden tools and wheelbarrows were stolen by unknown persons.Bald Hills Neighbourhood Watch has now come to the rescue with a donation of $300 towards the cost of replacing some of the stolen tools. However, Bushies spokesperson Glen Tuckett said that, since the tools and wheelbarrows had already been replaced by a donation from local member Tracy Davis, the cash would probably be better spent on the purchase of some additional plants to further encourage birds and other wildlife into the area. Glen said "Brisbane City Council traditionally supplied the Bushies with plant stock, but the new contracted wholesaler is located at Southport and so it is now more difficult to receive the new plants."Neighbourhood Watch secretary Gwen Wilson said that our group had some money left over from donations and fund raising, and, since the group was no longer functioning with a NHW committee, the remaining members suggested that the money should be made available to a group which has local community interests in it's objectives.The picture to the left shows (Left) Gwen Wilson presenting the cheque to Glen Tuckett near the Barungwarra reserve sign. Also in the picture (Right) are Bushies Russell Campbell and Bob Clifford
Replacement Bridge Opening!
Anyone who uses the Canterbury Park cycle track will be please to know that the new concrete bridge on the river section of the park is now completed and open for use. This is the third bridge at that location. The first bridge, a wooden structure, was set alight and burnt down by vandals. The second bridge also a wooden structure, was damaged in the floods in 2013 so we have been waiting for a while for the latest version. Its unlikely that the new bridge will suffer the fate of it's two predecessors as it's solid concrete with steel handrails, and built to withstand fire and flood for many years to come.The bridge was officially opened on 17th December by Councillor Amanda Cooper with representatives from Bald Hills Bushies, Bald Hills Neighbourhood Watch and Bald Hills West Bracken Ridge Scout Group in attendance.The opening of the new bridge means that walkers and cyclists can now complete the circuit without having to double back on their tracks. Cycling and walking in this area is a wonderful experience with an excellent variety of bird life as well as many local trees which are native to the area. Bald Hills Bushies meet on the third Saturday of each month at The Shed which is about 100 meters to the east of the new bridge, and help to maintain the area. If you are interested in helping out you can contact Councillor Amanda Cooper's office or just turn up at 7.00 am on the next meeting day.After the opening, Councillor Amanda Cooper and Bushies Russle, Glen and Bob inspected the new Bushies Shed which was recently provided by Council.Recent Discovery - Scar Tree!Bald Hills Bushies recently learned about the presence of a Scar Tree in our reserve.The Scar Tree was first spotted by cyclist Neil Ennis in 2011 who wondered if it was of aboriginal signifigance or perhaps an old surveyors marking. A Brisbane City Council Tree Officer later confirmed that it was most likly, a Scar Tree. You can read Neil’s entry here: tree is located in the dog Off Leash area which runs alongside the Gympie Arterial Road.. Follow the overhead power lines and you will see a large tree on your right. The scar is on the north face of the tree so you will need to walk past the tree and then look back to see it. The first picture shows the tree in December 2014 and you can see that it has not changed much since Neil took his photo in 2011.The second photo shows the location in relation to the power lines. In the third picture you can see traffic on the Gympie Arterial road in the background.The bark from the scar tree was removed by Aboriginal people and used to make a canoe or shelter or shield. They could also be used to make vessels or coolamons. You can read more about Scar Trees on these links.You can download a PDF file with further images of the scar tree hereIn February 2019 we were notified that the tree had been accepted for listing in the National Trusts of Australia significant tree register.Here is a link to the listing